While on some SEs, notably Stack Overflow, it is often sufficient for questions to contain a short code snippet, others, notable TeX/LaTeX SE, ask for a full Minimal Working Example (MWE).
I'm bringing this up because I saw this question yesterday. I think it's a good question, clear and with a screenshot, very googlable and hopefully very relevant to future visitors. It even includes the shader code which is nice. However, unless someone spots an obvious problem with that handful of lines of shader, it is really hard for answerers to actually debug the issue. They'd need to set up some OpenGL boilerplate, as well as a scene to try and see if they can reproduce it. That's quite a lot to ask from people who spend their freetime helping others. And even if they did, the issue might ultimately not be in the shader and so the different boilerplate code might not exhibit the same problem.
If the post instead contained the simplest complete program to exhibit the problem (be it C, C++, Python or JavaScript+WebGL), anyone could just get the programming running and play around with it.
So my question is, what should our policy on this be? Should all questions which are about specific code include a full MWE? If so, how do we point (especially new) users to what exactly is required for an answerable question?
(PS: If we do want all specific-code questions to contain MWEs, Stack Snippets would be even more useful.)